
Solo show « Meetings » Mouvements Modernes Gallery

From the 10th tober 2018 – 29 rue de Seine Paris 6. Walls shape our human landscapes. From Beijing tories, and their decay shows unexpected palimpsests. They have many different functions but they all ask the same enigma : « Given a wall, what is going on behind it ?* » The reminiscences of the […]

The experience of colour at the CITÉ DE LA CÉRAMIQUE, SÈVRES

From the 17th of Octo the 2nd of April 2018. Celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Centre Pompidou, the exhibition «The experience of colour» tackles the fundamental question of the artists’ perception of colours. Inside this exhibit, four of my sculptures along with my « colour sketchbooks » – a collection of large enamelled ceramic tiles, evidence of my […]

Idem, 19th international biennial of ceramics, Châteauroux

From the 8th of July to the 17th of Septembre 2017 – Couvent des Cordeliers, Châteauroux. Armelle Benoit // Anthony Girardi //  Virgile Loyer. Three artists who don’t know each other. The encounter occurred because they shared a conception of the tear as a link between what is visible and what is invisible. « The tear […]

Fragments at the Salon H Gallery

From the 27th of Novembre 2015 to the 6th of February 2016 – 6/8 rue de Savoie, Paris 8. Eager to inhabit space and develop a technical, graphical and chromatic vocabulary. In the light of the event, the artist designed a unique display offering an immersive experience in her creative universe. Extraits du dossier de […]

Setkání/Meeting – Zdena Strobachová & Armelle Benoit at the Galeria Perla


Circuit of Ceramics at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs

From the 17th of September 2010 to the 20th of February 2011 – Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris 1. Echoing the 44th general assembly of the International Academy of Ceramics organized by the Ateliers d’art de France, the Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Sèvres – Cité de la Céramique, the Collection gallery and forty other galleries […]

Ornament: from colour…to white, at the Bernard-Palissy Museum

The last exhibition of the Ornament cycle, initiated by the Bernard-Palissy Museum in 2004, is designed as a themed walk: from colour to white. Pascal Lacroix

FUNKY ZEN with Pierre Staudenmeyer and MOUVEMENTS MODERNES

From the 18th of January to the 25th of February 2006 at the Vieux Colombier, Paris 6.

Armelle Benoit Ceramics at the Clara Scremini Gallery

From the 22nd of April to the 14th of May 2005 – 99 rue Quincampoix, Paris 3