Four hands at work
Every piece created in the workshop is the result of a four handed effort: I design and model, while Lukáš shapes the clay together, we supervise each ceramic piece until it is completed. Lukáš Vilkolak, young Czech engineering student, arrived in Durtal in 2004. He was first employed at the Soleil d’Ombre workshop, which I shared […]
Beyond the worskshop walls
My work is driven by a desire tories. Over the past years, I began sharing my experience and knowledge through conferences and masterclasses (Kéramis Centre, La Louvière). It is during such exchanges that I can step back, and benefit from different approaches.
My first encounter with the ceramic material is along with Je découvre la céramique auprès de Jacqueline Lerat aux Beaux-Arts de Bourges. Elle m’enseigne l’exigence de présence à l’atelier, en même temps que l’ouverture vers l’art contemporain. Dès mes premières commandes, j’entre dans le monde du design en travaillant pour les Nouveaux Barbares et la […]
The colour lab
Before being a ceramist, I am a painter and colour is my language. One of my two studios is dedicated together, interact and contradict themselves. The walls evolve as a constant reflection of the ongoing projects. As an experimental library, they support my creative process providing a clear view of my research.